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About Slate Milk
"Manny Lubin and Josh Belinsky co-founded Slate with the goal of creating a healthy chocolate milk they could drink every day. After a successful Kickstarter campaign, an appearance on ABC's Shark Tank, and hundreds of iterations of testing, Slate launched in late 2019 with three delicious chocolate milk flavors. Today, Slate has expanded into new flavors and additional product lines, all of which contain 20g protein, have 0g added sugar, are lactose free, and 100% plastic neutral." - Manny Lubin and Josh Belinsky, Co-founders, Slate Milk
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Slate Milk Cashback & Coupons, Promo Codes

Slate Milk Cash Back Terms

Exclusions: Recurring Subscription

Cash Back is not available on the purchase or redemption of gift cards
Cash back is only valid on the amount you actually paid for goods.
Cash back not valid on bulk or reseller purchases. Determination of bulk/reseller status is made at the sole discretion of the retailer and is not reviewable by Rewardany.
Search Engine Marketing (SEM) activities is prohibited for users participating cash back program due to violation of Rewardany Terms and Conditions.

Posting Time: Cash Back will be automatically added to your Rewardany account within one week.
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